Buddha photo by Beth Budesheim PaintedJourneys.com

Crystal Grid Healing by Beth Budesheim www.PaintedJourneys.comCrystal Grid Healing by Beth Budesheim www.PaintedJourneys.comCrystal Grid by Beth Budesheim www.PaintedJourneys.comCrystal Grid Healing by Beth Budesheim www.PaintedJourneys.com




Current Special:

Intuitive Reading plus Crystal Energy Session

A 10 minute audio recorded reply to your question(s) PLUS Crystal Energy Grid.

Email your question(s) and I will receive guidance for you, and relay that in an emailed downloadable audio recording.

Connecting with you and your energy field, a crystal layout will be created. This is a unique sort of art energy therapy session. You will receive 4-5 photos of your crystal grid and a description. It is wonderful to use the images of the crystal grid in visualization and meditation to further integrate the energy.

The distance Crystal Grid session and Intutive Reading are packed with healing energy sent your way, and reveal where-what-how to work with your current life process. 
